
Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon is designed to promote IOTA activity, both Indonesia and World in specific time periods. Credit is given for contacts on all ham bands, including those not normally used for contesting (e.g., 60, 30, 17 & 12 meters).
Scoring is simple: you score one point the first time you work a new YB-Indonesia IOTA Reference (for other than YB stations) and one point the first time you work any IOTA Reference and DXCC entity (special for YB stations)
Add the points up at the end of the contest period for your total score. There are no multipliers.
A. Common rules:
General: World stations work YB stations, and YB stations (including island activator) work any stations.
Activity period: Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon is a 4 months activity, beginning at 0000 UTC June 1 and ending at 2359 UTC September 30.
Frequencies: Any authorized amateur frequency may be used, including those not normally used for contesting (e.g., 60, 30, 17 & 12 meters). Contacts through repeaters or satellites are not allowed for credit, nor are contacts with maritime or aeronautical mobile stations. All contacts must be made entirely over amateur radio frequencies - i.e., Echolink-type contacts do not count.
Modes: Any authorized amateur mode may be used, but three modes will be recognized in the DX Marathon - CW, Phone and Digital.
IOTA Reference Number: List on constitutes the official lists.
Remote Operation: Remote operation is not permitted in all cases.
Submissions: Submissions in the form of adif or spreadsheet file must be made electronically via MDXC upload web page, Submissions may be sent via email to if the participant is not able to use the upload link. IOTA References number is expected to be written on submitted adif or spreadsheet file. A Microsoft Excel® template into which contacts may be entered is available for download from the MDXC website at https://www. All submissions must be received by October 31, 2021. If your primary callsign changed during the year, please enter your current callsign and add previous callsign(s) in the comments section.
Verification: QSLs are not required. The operator is expected to claim contacts only from stations the operator has every reason to believe are legitimate, and only to claim contacts in which an accurate two-way exchange was clearly accomplished. Scores will be adjusted by the Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon committee for claimed contacts with pirates or any station not considered legitimate. Submissions may be penalized or voided in cases of fraud or poor sportsmanship. Every QSO may be subject to verification by the Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon Manager. Decisions of the Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon Manager are final.
Results: The final listing of official scores and winners will be published in MDXC website ( and IIHG website ( and/or some social media.
Trophy: The Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon will award trophy as follows: 1st, 2nd & 3rd highest overall score for World Hunter, and 1st, 2nd & 3rd highest overall score for YB Islands Hunter, and 1st, 2nd & 3rd highest overall score for YB Islands Activator category. Entrants may receive only one trophy.
Plaques: The Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon will award plaques as follows: Highest overall score for each of the 6 continents both Island and Non-Island classes, highest overall score for participants from each YB call area, and 4th, 5th & 6th highest overall score for YB Islands Activator category. Entrants may receive only one plaque.
Certificates: Electronic certificate of participation are awarded to all participants who participate in this event and submit the log into MDXC upload web page. Electronic certificate of winner are awarded to the highest overall score in each DXCC entity, highest overall score in each IOTA References, both YB and World. Electronic certificate of activator are awarded to YB stations who also enter Activator category. Each entrant is possible to get more than one certificate.
QSLing: The Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon committee will issue QSL Paper for all YB stations who participate in this event and submit the log into MDXC upload web page, and will distribute to all QSO opponent via buro with no cost. One-side full color template designs are prepared, unless there are specific design request from YB participants. The committee will also prepare OQRS for anyone who need the QSL Card by direct.
Nusantara Award: By recommendation from The Committee, Award Manager will send Nusantara Award to all participants who able get QSO confirmations with at least 10 islands (or 10 YB's IOTA Reference) with No Cost.
B. Additional Rules for YB Islands Activator
General: YB stations as Islands Activator should work from at least 1 IOTA References other than his/her home QTH. Work any stations (island station or non-island station). Each entrant in this event may submit one log per operating IOTA Reference. Entries with two or more call signs will count as a single entry only if all contacts were made by the same (single) operator at the same primary callsign, and each callsign used is listed in the comments section of the submission form. - i.e., YB8RW, YB8RW/5, YB8RW/p (OC-213), YB8RW/p (OC-236) will count totally as YB8RW.
Scoring: Each DXCC entity worked is worth one point for each band and each mode. Each IOTA reference worked is worth one point for each band and each mode. Thus, in each authorized band, the same callsign can be counted 3 points (CW, Phone and Digital). The total score is the sum of DXCC entity and IOTA reference worked, on each band and mode.
MDXC Club Membership: The Indonesian Islands Hunting Marathon committee will also awarded MDXC membership and free MDXC submission for one year for 1st, 2nd & 3rd highest overall score for YB Islands Activator category
C. Additional Rules for YB Islands Hunter
General: YB stations as Islands Hunter work any stations (island station or non-island station).
Scoring: Each DXCC entity worked is worth one point for each band and each mode. Each IOTA reference worked is worth one point for each band and each mode. Thus, in each authorized band, the same callsign can be counted 3 points (CW, Phone and Digital). The total score is the sum of DXCC entity and IOTA reference worked, on each band and mode.
D. Rules for World Hunter
General: World Hunter, island or non-island station work YB stations only.
Scoring: Each YB's IOTA Reference is worth one point for each band and each mode. Thus, in each authorized band, the same callsign can be counted 3 points (CW, Phone and Digital). YB station who work from different islands but same IOTA References in counted 1 only. The total score is the sum of YB's IOTA reference worked, on each band and mode.